Bimbo Fetish 

Group is targeting female (CIS and completely finished transitioned trans-females) bimbos, bimbo-trainees and bimbo-curious-females and the CIS-heterosexual, male bimbo trainers

193 posts 54 members 12 following

Marsha Thomas on BImboism

Via Scarletteen:

"Let’s talk about bimbos...

Because the outlines of the bimbo stereotype are so bold, and her character so outrageous, she makes perfect material for and other kinds of gender play and parody. Users on social media enjoy poking fun at the stereotype and use it to play with their own gender and sexuality....

But is all of this, like, okay? Is it useful or even good to use a problematic term as a way of addressing its history, with the harm it’s done? Spoiler alert: I think it is, but even if playing with gender stereotypes doesn’t provide solid enough ground for effective feminist action, I still think it’s a worthwhile and inevitable piece in gender exploration. Let’s talk about it. overlaps heavily with the “born sexy yesterday” trope when she is child-like and dependant, the “trophy wife” stereotype when she is partnered, the “mean girl” trope when she is petty or unlikeable, and the “bombshell” trope when she knows she’s hot and flaunts it for the viewer. Read More »

New Polling Data: "Over half of 18-25 year old women would rather have bigger breasts than a high IQ, and 1/3 would get dumber for larger breasts"

"Over half of women between 18 and 25 would rather have big breasts than a high IQ!

Other surveys have shown that score goes up much higher when the women are horny or ovulating."

"In a new survey, about half of women ages 18 to 25 say they'd rather have large breasts than a high IQ.

What's even more surprising is that one-third say they'd even be willing to get dumber for large breasts!

Check out some more results from the survey, and take our poll below to let us know what you would pick.

Almost 60% say they believe men would be more interested in them if they had larger breasts.  43% say men would be more interested if they had a higher IQ.

Two-thirds of the women surveyed said they believe appearance is more important than intelligence in attracting men."

In a new survey, about half of women ages 18 to 25 say they'd rather have large breasts than a high IQ. Read More »

"Let's take a moment to appreciate the hard work that has gone into creating these women."


"Let's take a moment to appreciate the hard work that has gone into creating these women.

Let's consider the hours in the gym working on their bodies.

Let's think about the hours spent perfecting their make-up.

Then the hours spent shopping for the right outfits that reveal their bodies so perfectly.

Now think about the surgeries that have undergone to lift shirt tits or plump their lips out.

These women were painstakingly designed and built to please us men and we thank them for their efforts."

From the Be a Bimbo Blog: "Don't live your life being half the woman you can be. Be you -- and do it 100%."

Alicia Amira's message to girls:

"Have you ever secretly dreamed of dressing a bit sluttier? Or perhaps having bigger boobs? Tinting your hair some outrageous color? Wearing something that others might consider "too much"? Or maybe you just wish that you had the confidence to do your makeup a little bit more dramatically in your daily life? If so - then you know exactly how I used to feel....

But I harbored a secret.  I've always been fascinated with the appearance of ultra-feminine women in control of their own sexual power. From a very young age I had dreamed of being a living work of art and an object of desire. But I struggled to find any real inspiration or outlet for this interest and fascination. 

Everywhere I looked - in TV, books, magazines, etc. - the women that looked the most glamorous and dazzling to me were being called "bimbos"... Meaning they were stupid and less than every other woman. And I knew that I wasn't stupid or less than every other women. So I thought "I better not look like that... cause that wouldn't be socially acceptable, would it?"  Read More »

Another good definition of Bimbofication

Via Ontario Kink:

"Bimbofication the process of converting a person into a ‘bimbo’.

Courtney Stodden

....It is a fetish revolving around the objectification of a person...typically involving the modification of ones looks, body, or behaviour.

People engaging in bimbofication wish to explore the act of becoming exactly what their partner wishes (or crafting their partner into their ultimate fantasy), physically, mentally, and sexually. Some people choose to explore this fetish just for fun ‘in the bedroom’ or on the weekend, and others may choose to make permanent modifications that will be seen in their day-to-day life.

Changes to physical looks may include make-up, growing and dying of the hair (a popular option is long and blonde), application of false nails, long eyelashes, breast enlargement, lip enhancement, and tanning. Read More »