From Glamour Magazine:

"A decade or so later, my perception of bimbos is markedly different. Having witnessed the much-needed cultural shift in the way women are treated in the media (and broader society), I can admit that it's time to challenge my former beliefs and meet the people embracing bimbofication....

Chrissy tells GLAMOUR that a bimbo is someone who wants to “celebrate and appreciate their own hyper-femininity, which they express in their own, special way – not allowing misogynistic standpoints of femininity get in the way of you being f*cking amazing and incredible." 

...“I think the [Bimbo] movement as a whole has been about confidence – about embracing yourself and staying true to the expression and identity that makes you feel the best, and I know that it has helped people become more confident just like me...To anybody who claims that bimbofication reinforces negative stereotypes: there is no reason that femininity, sexuality, or sexual liberation should be considered negative or a cause for misogyny,” explains Griffin.'

...Ready to join #BimboTok? Griffin has some advice:

"Come as you are, wear what you want, love who you please, and don’t worry about anybody’s business but your own. That’s the Bimbo way!"

I don't know about you, but I'm in."