From Lucinda Price at the Guardian:

“'Bimbofication' – the scientific term for becoming stupid and hot – has been bouncing around the internet for a few years now.

I’ve always wanted to be a bimbo, in my heart of hearts. I think it’s got something to do with being a kid in the noughties. I grew up on a diet of Playboy bunnies and Pussycat Dolls....

As a young girl who loved pink, this left me with few options. I hated physical sports and loved going to Kmart to nag my parents for new Bratz Dolls and a pack of Lip Smackers. I knew, though, that wearing a miniskirt probably lowered my IQ. There was no option to be hot and smart.

"And that’s why this new wave of self-aware bimbofication is so deeply exciting. We’re entering the decade of the bimbo, I can feel it in my 300CC breast implants. We’re reclaiming the word, appliquéing it with rhinestones and presenting it on the internet, in our own, like, words. Then we’re lying back down on our fluffy pink pillows to get our beauty sleep because we’re not pressed on whether you like it or not....

So here’s my pledge [for the year]... I’m going to be the dumbest person I know. I’m going to stop removing the excess exclamation marks in my emails … a technique I used to employ so people might take me more seriously!!! And sorry, I’m not going to rein in my use of the word “sorry”.

I’m not going to unsoften myself in order to be taken seriously. I’m going to walk on a treadmill in a full face of makeup, listening to Kim Petras sing about her coconuts, nodding along because yass queen. Do you know what I mean?

If you don’t, that’s OK. In fact, that’s hot."