"To self-bimbofy means not only feeding into gender norms, but also embracing and simultaneously subverting them. Yes, the stereotype of a dumb, curvy blonde woman is exhausted and degrading. But to look and act like this as a conscious choice is a form of resistance. If someone calls me a bimbo and I embrace it as a compliment, I am stripping the insult of its power. Choosing to be perceived like this is a revolutionary act against sexist rhetoric because it renders this language useless in keeping women down....

For me, bimbofication exists as direct action against the rhetoric that has kept women from wearing tiny dresses and loving the color pink.

I love the feeling of reclaiming my appearance and embracing this as a form of resistance to the world we live in. I keep a tube of lipgloss in every purse I own; I show up to college parties half-naked....

Far from the ideals of corporate feminism, bimbofication is a way for women to value themselves apart from their productivity or worth in the eyes of men. In choosing to bimbofy ourselves, we are actively resisting the sexist systems that have kept us from expressing our sexuality and personality freely.

We no longer fear the insults of looking slutty or appearing dumb.

We are the first ones who know that these words aren’t true, and we can keep the rest of the world guessing if we’d like."
