Bimbo Fetish 

Group is targeting female (CIS and completely finished transitioned trans-females) bimbos, bimbo-trainees and bimbo-curious-females and the CIS-heterosexual, male bimbo trainers

193 posts 54 members 12 following

Jamie McCormick Begins to Embrace Her Inner Bimbo

Via her blog:

"Bimbology 101: The Science of Bimbofication...

What if, instead of stressing over how I’m doing at work, I filled my time with the quiet bliss of shopping, manicures, and glitter eye shadow?

Is it too late to become a bimbo?

To be a bimbo, you need two key characteristics: you must be hot, and you must be dumb. There aren’t standard requirements as to how hot and how dumb, so being a bimbo is mostly a state of mind. It’s about focusing on your looks, and deprioritizing how smart you sound.

It’s a pressure-free, ditsy existence....

As a result, young Millennial women learnt that intelligence was to be prized above everything else. We were raised to believe that bimbo behaviour was reserved for those hot enough to be outwardly stupid. In movies, we villainized bitchy blondes so we could root for our mousey, brunette, girl-next-door heroines. Read More »

Lucinda Price Embraces Her Inner Bimbo

From Lucinda Price at the Guardian:

“'Bimbofication' – the scientific term for becoming stupid and hot – has been bouncing around the internet for a few years now.

I’ve always wanted to be a bimbo, in my heart of hearts. I think it’s got something to do with being a kid in the noughties. I grew up on a diet of Playboy bunnies and Pussycat Dolls....

As a young girl who loved pink, this left me with few options. I hated physical sports and loved going to Kmart to nag my parents for new Bratz Dolls and a pack of Lip Smackers. I knew, though, that wearing a miniskirt probably lowered my IQ. There was no option to be hot and smart.

"And that’s why this new wave of self-aware bimbofication is so deeply exciting. We’re entering the decade of the bimbo, I can feel it in my 300CC breast implants. Read More »

Columnist Martha Starkel Embraces Her inner Bimbo

"To self-bimbofy means not only feeding into gender norms, but also embracing and simultaneously subverting them. Yes, the stereotype of a dumb, curvy blonde woman is exhausted and degrading. But to look and act like this as a conscious choice is a form of resistance. If someone calls me a bimbo and I embrace it as a compliment, I am stripping the insult of its power. Choosing to be perceived like this is a revolutionary act against sexist rhetoric because it renders this language useless in keeping women down....

For me, bimbofication exists as direct action against the rhetoric that has kept women from wearing tiny dresses and loving the color pink.

I love the feeling of reclaiming my appearance and embracing this as a form of resistance to the world we live in. I keep a tube of lipgloss in every purse I own; I show up to college parties half-naked.... Read More »

Glamour Magazine: "Bimbofication is the empowering new trend that's reclaiming the power of hyper-femininity...."

From Glamour Magazine:

"A decade or so later, my perception of bimbos is markedly different. Having witnessed the much-needed cultural shift in the way women are treated in the media (and broader society), I can admit that it's time to challenge my former beliefs and meet the people embracing bimbofication....

Chrissy tells GLAMOUR that a bimbo is someone who wants to “celebrate and appreciate their own hyper-femininity, which they express in their own, special way – not allowing misogynistic standpoints of femininity get in the way of you being f*cking amazing and incredible." 

...“I think the [Bimbo] movement as a whole has been about confidence – about embracing yourself and staying true to the expression and identity that makes you feel the best, and I know that it has helped people become more confident just like me...To anybody who claims that bimbofication reinforces negative stereotypes: there is no reason that femininity, sexuality, or sexual liberation should be considered negative or a cause for misogyny,” explains Griffin.' Read More »

Academic study: "Bimbofication To Empower: Representation Of Hyperfemininity On Tiktok

Academic research on Bimbofication: 

"Overall, there are two questions that have been discussed in this research. The first question explored the development of “bimbo” image as represented in media, and bimbofication’s attempt to reclaim and refine the term. It discussed the current definition of being a bimbo by analyzing

Chlapecka’s contents, which challenge the stereotype toward women who prioritize physical attributes over academic intelligence. Secondly, this research discussed the use of hyperfemininity as a tool to show one’s acceptance of their femininity.... 

By doing so, bimbofication strives to fight the stigma pressed on women to gain a sense of equality.

To conclude, this research finds that Chlapecka has notably challenged the “bimbo” stereotype and established a new meaning for the term as an empowering choice for expressing and embracing one’s identity. Through bimbofication, the initial pejorative meaning of the term “bimbo” has been reclaimed by promoting the qualities and attributes associated with the stigma as a valid form of self-expression. This process involves representing hyperfemininity traits, such as prioritizing physical appearance as well as expecting men’s adherence to traditional masculinity.... Read More »