Via the BubbleGumClub site:

"The decade of the 2020s has brought (back) with it bimbofication. I parenthesis ‘back’ because the idea of the ‘bimbo’ has existed for centuries.
... led by various femmes — particularly in the adult entertainment and sex work industries — and followed by a rise of semi-ironic social media content calling for the recognition of hyperfemininity and the rebranding of bimbo culture as an inclusive, empowered worldview, the ‘bimbofication’ movement has begun.

The spectrum to which this phenomenon is successful is debatable. However, I no longer approach ‘bimbo’ from a negative lens and I believe that that may be true for others as well. 

Femmes who proudly embody bimbofication today have received backlash for supposedly regressing the women’s movement within society with a lot of femmes themselves likening this movement to the decline of feminism. However, feminism is not a surface level outfit that one can put on and claim a clear example to what it is or is not.

...bimbofication is centred around the acceptance of complete and utter femininity amongst our society. It redirects the very trait that patriarchy and misogyny has sort out to villinaize — hyper femininity and the love of one’s feminine self....

I mean, who doesn’t want to be hot and live in harmony with others?"